Author - Polina

WWC 2024

WWC wholesale world congress will be held in September 18-20. Welcome to join us at the Table 228, Room Prado -1 FloorTable 50, Room Doblon - Lobby Level. Our representetives are tagged in post, see you soon)  #WWC2024  #WholesaleWorldCongress  #conferences #networking  #vacotel #vacotelteam #voice  #smsmarketing #smsserviceprovider  #callcenterservices


GCCM CIS is very soon. VACOTEL team is ready for meeting with our current and new partners. Don’t miss the opportunity to join us during the event.  #gccmcis2024 #carriercommunity  #conferences #networking  #vacotel  #vacotelteam #voice  #smsmarketing  #smsserviceprovider  #callcenterservices

GCCM Europe in Berlin 2024

Meet VACOTEL representative there to discuss new opportunities of our cooperation. Angela Morozova will be glad to talk with you!  Always happy to meet with colleagues from our community. Thanks @carriercommunity for such amazing organization and interesting discussions during the event. #gccmberlin2024 #carriercommunity  #conferences #networking  #vacotel #vacotelteam  #voice #smsmarketing  #smsserviceprovider  #callcenterservices

ITW conference 2024

VACOTEL Team attended ITW conference. ITW - great experience to expansion our telecom partnership network. Thanks everyone for meeting there and see you next year!  #itw2024  #vacotel #vacotelteam  #telecommunications #voice  #smsservices  #internationaltelecomsweek  #washington #conferences

Capacity Middle East in Dubai 2024

Meet with our VOICE Team at Capacity Middle East in Dubai!  We are thankful for everyone who has attended Capacity ME this year in Dubai. It was one of the best productive events, which will expand our business community and bring new ideas for future growth. #telecommunications  #telecom  #conferences #capacitymiddleeast  #capacityME2024 #vacotel  #vacotelteam #voice #sms  #smsservices #callcenterservices

Capacity Asia in Singapore 2023

Exploring Asia for our business we were pleased to visit Capacity Asia in Singapore. This networking brought new partners and lots of new ideas. Thanks everyone for coming to negotiate with our team. Will be happy to see you again next time! #capacityasia2023  #networking #conferencias  #sms #voice #telecommunications  #callcentercervices  #capacitymedia #vacotel  #vacotelteam

Affiliate World Asia in Bangkok 2023

It was an amazing event - meetings with new clients and discovering new ideas for our business. Thanks everyone for coming and AW team for organization! We will come back next year! #awasia2023 #networking  #conferences #telecommunications #smsmarketing #sms  #callcenterservices  #voip #affiliatemarketing  #enterprises #vacotel  #vacotelteam

WWC Madrid 2023

VACOTEL team did a great job full of results at WWC Madrid. Thanks everyone for comming and see you next year!!!  #vacotel #vacotelteam  #wwcmadrid2023  #worldwholesalecongress  #telecommunications #voice  #sms #didnumbers  #enterprises #callcenterservices

GCCM Almaty 2023

We are happy to meet with our current and new partners at GCCM Almaty this year again. Please contact us to arrange the meeting in PM or via email our colleague Olesya Shorban is ready to go! #vacotel #vacotelteam #telecomconference #gccmcis2023 #carriercommunity #networking #voice #sms #callcenterservices